The Artist's Persona

The Artist's Persona

Episode 7: The Artist’s Persona

As an artist it is likely that you will have to interact with your customers and the persona you adopt when you do this can have a huge effect on your success. Peter and Laura talk about ways to achieve this most difficult of things, your artist's persona!

As an artist it is likely that you will have to interact with your customers and the persona you adopt when you do this can have a huge effect on your success. Confidence in your work inspires confidence from your audience so developing and maintaining a comfortable, confident attitude (even if it is not entirely the way you really feel!) can help you to become a respected artist. Peter and Laura talk about ways to achieve this most difficult of things, your artist's persona!


“Your artists persona isn’t a fake you: it’s you at your professional best.”

In this episode…

1.     Think of your artist’s persona as the swan gliding on the lake and you as the legs paddling away underneath. A persona isn’t a fake you, it’s you at your professional confident best and it grows over time. It takes bravery and a little pretending to begin with, but soon it’ll be a like comfy overcoat to wear in public.

2.     Grow your persona by owning your creativity and enjoy sharing it with the world, eliminating sapping habits such as seeking approval for your work, apologizing and justifying (save those for your family). You represent your work and if you aren’t confident about it, why would anyone else be? 

3.     Your persona is about being engaging and positive wherever you encounter others, whether in the real or virtual world, so be consistent. Admitting to a mistake and telling the world how you resolved it is great, but negativity and complaining is corrosive.

4.     Competence and poise are as important for an artist as they are in any other profession, so it pays to be punctual, prepared and to look the part. Excuses based around being the scatty creative don’t tend to fly once people are investing in you and your work. 

5.     The artist’s persona is your friend. It’s the buffer between you and the world when you are putting your art out there to be judged. People judge the artist, not the fellow human and that comfy overcoat of a persona can be pretty bullet proof, allowing you to smile and cope when things are rough. 

Take Aways…

First impressions count, so act professionally. You may feel aged five and lost at the shops, but make sure the outside world sees you as a confident creative. Laura’s barrister brother advised her to wriggle her toes when she felt out of her depth. Nobody notices toes and it keeps the rest of you looking calm. Works in court apparently…

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