The Artist’s Reputation

The Artist’s Reputation

Episode 49: The Artist’s Reputation

An artist is constantly judged, it is inevitable, a part of the very nature of what they do. However it would be wrong to assume that the judgement is only about the work that the artist produces.  Today, Peter and Laura discuss the importance of the artist's reputation: how it develops, how to look after it and how not to lose it!

The Artist’s Reputation. In this episode Peter and Laura focus on the good professional reputation every artist needs to succeed, how to grow one and how to keep it In good condition!

The Useful Stuff

  1. Your professional reputation is made up of many elements. While the quality of your work is obviously at the forefront, things like your reliability, communication skills, social media presence, generosity of spirit and ability to work with others will all come into the equation too.

  2. Word of mouth is extremely powerful when it comes to an artist’s career. Remember your reputation is always on the line in every situation. Listen to our episode on The Artist’s Persona for tips on how to be your best professional self.

  3. In real life, very few artists get to be maverick superstars. The reality is that galleries, show organisers and commissioning clients will opt for reliable artists who deliver with good grace. There are always plenty of artists to choose from and a reputation for creative tantrums or ditsy absentmindedness will put you at the back of the queue.

  4. Be kind and be generous. While there’s no need to reveal all your secrets, a reputation for professional generosity and kindness is precious. A lot of opportunities come from networking and as pay back for a favour given. In Laura and Peter’s experience, what goes around really does come around, so be supportive of your fellow artists and your followers.

  5. Play the long game. It takes time to build a good reputation. The good news is the more your good reputation grows, the faster it grows. The bad news is that a good reputation can turn into a bad one overnight. Be very careful to stay professional in public and on social media. Save the badmouthing, complaining and rants for your loved ones; they’ll keep your secrets!

The Takeaway

Guard your professional reputation with the zeal of a Victorian maiden. A good reputation with work wonders for your business, but once lost it is very hard to recover!

This Podcast is sponsored by Michael Harding Colours. For more information about Michael’s colour range or to find a retailer near you, please visit

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