Festive Special - Payback-Time!

Festive Special - Payback-Time!

Episode 10: Festive Special - Time to give something back!

Today Peter and Laura talk about ways that they repay kindness and loyalty, or contribute to causes that they believe in by using their artistic skills.

Being a professional artist is a job, it brings in income (hopefully) and, if all goes well brings a degree of satisfaction. It is inevitable that people will help you in your artistic journey: giving you opportunities, buying your work or attending classes that you are teaching. from time to time it's great to give back a little. In this episode, Peter and Laura talk about ways that they repay kindness and loyalty, or contribute to causes that they believe in by using their artistic skills. They talk too about the value of devoting time to the artistic community, involving yourself in art organisations or taking responsibility for art events. It may be seen as work for nothing, but there are nearly always rewards in the end.

Peter Keegan and Laura Boswell feeling festive!

In this episode…

  1. Giving comes in many ways, so choose something that works for you. It could be time, expertise, artwork, serving on a committee, practical labour, social media. So many ways to spread the love.

  2. What goes around, comes around. Getting involved with your arts community is time well spent. You’ll win the important reputation as a doer rather than a taker at the same time as forging friendships and making networking opportunities.

  3. Free demonstrations and talks invite people into your world. Laura and Peter like making the most of these opportunities; they’re fun events and often sow the seeds of future work or sales.

  4. Think of your supporters and remember their loyalty. A giveaway that celebrates an achievement, rather than a bribe to grab new followers or customers is the way to go whether that’s on social media or face to face.

  5. Take the time to thank customers with a note or small gift if you send things by post. A simple thank you card in with the order makes all the difference.

Take Aways…

Giving something back is a wonderful feeling and will bring all sorts of unexpected benefits providing you take action with good heart, authentic generosity and a practical approach


Printmakers interested in getting involved with Patchings Art Festival should contact Laura by email at laura@lauraboswell.co.uk

Laura’s prints for Alzheimer’s Research UK can be seen here

Laura’s book Making Japanese Woodblock Prints Crowood Press is available from book sellers or from the publisher

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